Saturday 2 May 2009

The Balkan call

After a week out of Sunderland, I'm now back home. There is so much to tell; so many stories to narrate, countless memories to keep, and invaluable moments to share. I've always loved to write, but this time it's hard to get my thoughts organised. It's the feeling of wanting to write about everything at one go. However; as much as passion has to be appreciated, it also has to be moderated.

I'll start, before everything else, with praises to Allah the Almighty- but I can never praise Him enough. As a young man I realise that Allah is too kind to me; He answers to my prayers, protects me vigilantly, shows me the straight and guided path, showers me with His blessings, pours His love into my heart, embeds peace and serenity into my soul, grants me knowledge- the list will not end. But all I did was to remember Him only sparingly! Sometimes I questioned myself a lot; I'm sure that I don't befit these kind treatments Allah is giving me. I'm just another man, as sinful as one can be. I sin, and ask for forgiveness, only to relapse in sinning again. I'm not special, neither am I an angel, nor do revelations come down to me. Maybe I'm different in one thing- I am easily touched by Your kindness, and I'm not so good in holding my tears.

They say that the world is unfair. However I'm more worried that I'm being unfair to You. I try to make up for my weaknesses, just to ease myself. I'll wake up in the nights for You, I'll spend some good hours asking for Your forgiveness, I'll squeeze my eyes hard to weep for You. I'll let my lips light reading Your words in the Qur'an- but none of these can make up and be compared to Your grace. I'm doing all these in the hope that You accept me, in the Day of Judgement, as Your righteous slave...

I didn't just go to Bosna for sight-seeing. I doubt I would go anywhere for that purpose. I travel in search of life, truth, hope, faith, forgiveness, gratefulness, and taqwa. And these, I found much from my recent experiences in Bosna. Alija's book alone did not pull me to Bosna. It was more than that- the accumulated years of my short life hinted something about Bosna, as if saying,"Safwan, this is where you're going one day". I can never forget how the word 'Bosna' first visited me; I was only 8 years old. My dad ceaselessly prayed for Bosnians then, and I was amazed, except that my faculty at that time could not comprehend the issue. Dad told me more about Bosna when I was 9, and his story is still fresh in my mind. It continued to come to me when I reached 12, 13, and 19, almost like it was trying to assert and reassert its presence, and remind me in case I have forgotten. It wanted recognition. Until I turned 20, the Bosnian issue has visited me enough to help me decide in going there. And I did not regret it even to the very least.

When the year 2009 dawned, I've been thinking seriously about going to this much-longed country. Suddenly in on the 12th of March, my fingers moved almost as subconsciously clicking this and that to purchase the ticket. Accompanied by prayers and blessings from my understanding parents, it marked the beginning of a momentous chapter out of the many chapters in my life.


  1. Assalamualaikum bro...
    How I wish i could see what you saw...I was truly changed (haunted is more likely--like a voice in my head that wouldn't go away) after reading War Hospital by Sheri Fink, M.D, a couple of years ago. It was a true account of MSF (Medecins Sans Frontieres) doctors and nurses who volunteered in Srebrenica- where the infamous Srebrenica Massacre occurred in a course of just a few weeks of the conflict. I felt exactly like killing that Karadzic devil with my own two hands. Well, Milosevic too. And a few others. I think you have an exact idea of how crazy my bloodlust was. But now that Karadzic's dead, I just wish he suffers greatly in his Godforsaken grave for what he did.

    Please...regale us with your journals and stories of Bosnia...I can't hardly wait...
    You see, these voices in my head need some space to vent their frustrations=)

    UNHAS, Sulsel, ID.

  2. وعليكم السلام,
    mashaAllah I can tell that you have the same feelings for the Bosnian issue as I do. No I'm afraid Karadžić isn't dead yet, he's being tried in the Hague now- it seems so hard for them to decide on any sentences for him. Milošević died in 2006 but Mladić is still on the run. Anyway Allah will not hesitate to give the most severe punishments to them in the Hereafter, where the oppressed Muslims will rejoice.

    InshaAllah there will be posts touching on the massacre in Srebrenica, but they will not be within the first batch of a dozen of entries. Hope it's beneficial for everyone.

    p/s- Just to confuse readers more, I wrote this first entry about three weeks ago. Please excuse me and ignore the time denotations.

  3. oh.. orang mintak tulis dekat the journey within x nak, sanggup dia buat blog baru. kesian blog kita x de sape nak update.

  4. Eh, yea! Karadzic's not dead. Milosevic is. (sigh)
    Pardon me sir...

    Huh would they just stop the trials already...

    Or some janitor just come to his cell and poke his brains out...Haish

    It's ok, Srebrenica or no Srebrenica, I'm all Bosnia bro=)

  5. to Anonymous: I'm posting a video on our blog. Usah marah ye :):)

    to Khade (Khadijah?): hvala puno!

  6. many things to be commented as I go through each para, but until I reach the last para, I was speechless.

    Owh my.

    Just one thing I would like you to know, keep on writing, coz we will keep on reading. You have the talent to touch people's hearts with ur sincere words, and that was given by Him :)

    take care, will be waiting for the next entry.

    p/s: asal2 nak berbahasa ibunda, tapi tah bagaimana ter taip bahasa asing :D

  7. well written.

    can be used as a tool for promoting our shared blog..heheh..

    aku pun dah rasa malas nak jalan2 dah untuk sight seeing only..


  8. to As: that's too much of a praise for this worthless piece of writing. Thanks for visiting. Hope it benefits us in one way or another. All praises to Allah! :)

    to Hilmi: Yeah, jom jalan-jalan dan TULIS!! :D
    (salam rindu)

  9. as salamu alaikum to everyone
    i just want to send greetings and salams to my brothers Ahmad and Nubli which was here in my Bosna.
    Ovo je odlicno što radiš Ahmede samo naprijed.
    as salamu alaikum

  10. وعليكم السلام Adnan, nedostajes mi! puno! :)
    I will do brother, thank you for the words.
    Ti si odličan musliman, i Allah te nagradi..
    Se čuvaj :)

    p/s- Ja ću doći u Bosnu ponovo, definitivno inshaAllah! Hvala mnogo za posjet, and don't forget us in your prayers, nikad :)
